Are you planning to retire in France?

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Are you planning to retire in France?

French real estate and French lifestyle are very attractive so if you are considering retiring in France the best thing you can do is plan ahead.

We have heard many people who find their dream property have not taken the time before hand to consider the impact on 2 important items that come into place in a new way once you are retired in France.

You need to make strategic tax plans to maximize your impact and mitigate the impact of taxes once you retire.

Pension Plans:
Mostly you have paid into a pension plan outside of France and you will want to investigate what to do not as you start to draw on your pension. One thing you may need to consider is the impact of exchange rates on your pension.

The best option for you is BEFORE you start to look at French real estate to get in touch with an English speaking Financial planner who knows how things currently work in France.

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Note: Details on our 110 Tip electronic French real estate buyer’s guide plus checklists is here.