French real estate buyers tip number ten

eze village

The Price may Not be Right

The least expensive properties that need lots of renovation be they barns or old apartments may seem attractive financially but are you willing to deal with renovations that often take much longer than expected. Trades people in France can be hard to find and quality trades people even harder. When you are available they may not be and you could wait for a week just to get a drain unclogged unless you are willing to pay a premium.

Sometimes it is better to buy a place that is liveable right away, at a minimum, at least half way to where you would like it be once the full renovation is done. It all depends on you.

We don’t recommend you buy a currently uninhabitable property if it is your first venture into investing in and renovating a French property.

Learn more ideas that will help guide you to find the best French property for you in our French real estate buyers guide here