French real estate buyers tip number 20

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French real estate buyers: you need to check your telephone and internet

As a French real estate buyer make sure you do not rely on the owner’s word that the phone or internet connection is good. One person told us recently that the owner said she believed there was internet access to the home but she never verified it because she just did not ever need it.

In fact, the buyer found out their new French home had no internet access and they need to rent a more expensive satellite connection. As a French property buyer you need to do your own checking and today you can easily phone an internet service provider and give the address and find out if what you need is available.

Bonus tip:

remember to order installation early when you buy so you are not in your home without the connection you need since installations take time.

Get more helpful reminders and tips and checklists to help you in your French real estate purchase with our 110 tips French real estate buyers guide details here.