Does your French property have a Water Leak?

esrea france

As a French property owner you deal with many home ownership costs and one significant everyday expense can be the cost of water usage.

If your French property appears to be using more water than you expect you may wish to check to see if there is a problem.

Perhaps you have a leak somewhere in the system.

Here are some guidelines we obtained from a French plumber: If you are not sure at all about doing this test call a plumber right away.

Find your French property’s water meter that is typically located outside on the front of your French property (see sample image above)

Stop everyone on the property using any water and make a note of the reading of water usage on the meter. Then make sure no water is used in the home for an hour.

Check to see if there is any water usage indicated on the meter reading.

If you see the evidence of water usage on the meter then repeat the test again.

If again without anyone on the French property using water there is evidence of water usage on the meter go to step Four.

Make sure all the valves that control water accessing the toilets, pool, water filtration system or any other system in your home that uses water is turned off.

Take a new meter reading and wait an hour.

If there is no difference between the number on the meter before and after this test this may indicate that one of the items you turned off is leaking water or letting water move through when it is turned off.

Use a process of elimination to figure out which and / or get professional help.

If when everything is turned off you see an increase in water usage via the meter you may have a leak somewhere in your piping system and this will mean you need to call a plumbing specialist.

Remember to check for leaks under sinks, beneath toilets, by the hot water tank and around other potential areas where water may leak on a regular basis. Set a schedule on your French property maintenance calendar.

If you would like to speak to an English speaking plumber let us know we may know someone in your area so that will save you the time searching for one. We do our search for you for free.
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