Video French Real Estate examples of when is the best time to buy

English speaking French real estate agents

French real estate continues to be very desirable.

When you are investing for a secondary or primary French residence you want to get the best price. We share some of our experience with you in this short video

If you would like to learn more about buying French real estate please obtain a copy of our 110 Tip buyer’s guide noted below. If you would like to be placed in contact with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice in France we can connect you at no charge for our assistance contact us here.

French property owners help make the mundane and ugly beautiful


Pride of ownership can be seen in many places in France. You will have seen in a previous posting how two French property owners enhanced the entrance way to their homes.

I took the included photo to share with you how very creatively a French property owners has taken an ugly drain and water fountain and made it a pretty spot with the simple addition of some plants.

If you want learn 50 tips on how to get the best sale price for your French property please check out our French sellers guide here.