What does DPE en cours mean in a French real estate advertisement?

English speaking French real estate agents

What does DPE en cours mean in a French real estate advertisement?

In a French real estate advertisement you may read DPE en cours. Now what does this mean?

DPE is an abbreviation for ‘diagnostic de performance énergétique’ or roughly translated into English Diagnostic of Energy Performance. This diagnostic provides information on the energy performance of a dwelling, according to the French government site it is an assessment of the energy consumption of the dwelling and its impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. It is part of the European energy policy.

En cours means, in general, in process.

So DPE en cours means the DPE has not been finished yet.

Make sure you get the information on the DPE and any other applicable diagnostic reports on the French real estate you are viewing to make sure you have the maximum of information before you make a decision to make an offer on a French property.

NEWS: Have you seen our French real estate buyer’s guide that comes with a 100 percent money back guarantee? Here it is

If you are need to locate an English speaking French real estate agent in your favorite French locatoin we can help you connect at no charge for the guidance. Ask us here.

Video French real estate buyers tip number 8

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A French real estate purchase is a complicated process if you do not know what to look for and what to avoid. Here is another of our valuable educations video.

If you need an English speaking French real estate agent. Contact us and tell us your area of choice in France and we will assist you in finding the agent at no charge.

Video French real estate What is Canalisation?

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French real estate sellers who are only speaking French to you may mention they had work done on the canalisation. If you don’t know what this means, it is of course, confusing so here is an explanation in our short video.  Now you will know the answer : )

If you need an English speaking French real estate agent. Contact us and tell us your area of choice in France and we will assist you in finding the agent at no charge.

New Welcome to France Website

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France is a great place to live in but crossing the bridge from another country into France the bridge is not easy to traverse. Just like the bridge in Avignon in the photo above.

It is getting easier now!

Moving to France is less complicated now since the government of France has just launched a new comprehensive website on matters than concern your move to France.

The website offer details about:


Residential Permits

Taxation issues

Work permits

Great to see a tool like this coming straight from the government of France.

And it is in English!

Visit the Welcome to France Website Now


Remember if you would like to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent for your favorite area in France we can help guide you at no charge for our assistance. Connect with us now.