French Real Estate Impact by New Tax Reforms

esrea france

According to an new article on the Blevins Franks website French President Emmanuel Macron promised various tax reforms during his election campaign and they may go ahead. If they do there will be changes to how investment income is taxed in France.

Read the full article on the Blevins Franks website here.

If you would like to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent we can connect you at no charge for our assistance. Contact ESREA France here.

Video Uzès: A visit on Market Day in France

French market place

Uzès is a wonderful town about 50 km away from the Roman city of Nîmes. Market day is a moment of joy as you see all that is available to visitors.

I will not give away the secret of what you will see here. I will just say,  enjoy!

If you would like to be in contact with an English speaking French real estate agent in Uzès we can help you connect at no charge contact us here.