UK Resident Moving to France: Eight Questions you Need to Consider

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If you are an UK resident Moving to France below are eights questions you need to consider:

Where do I pay tax?

In what way will you be taxed?

How do I structure my wealth?

What currency should I use?

What are my property ownership options?


How do I manage my UK pension?

How do I take care of my descendants?


What will be the impact of BREXIT on me?

These 8 questions are discussed in this article by Blevins Franks

If you are looking for an English speaking French tax adviser we can connect you to one at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here.

Video French Property Selling Tips


If you are hoping to sell your French real estate or French property we have created a 50 Tip French property sellers guide to assist you. Sample tips from the guide are in the video below and the guide is available on our site.

If you would like to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent to help you sell your French property we can help you connect with the agent at no charge to you. Please contact us here to assist you.

Nice on the French Riviera 14 beautiful images

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Nice on the French Rivera in the south of France is one of the most sought after locations in France like Cannes and Paris.
There is so much wonderful French real estate. You can have water front, water view, mountain view… you can be nestled in the older town close to the fresh fruit and flower markets. Name your pleasure, you most likely can find it in Nice.

This video gives you an inspiring taste of Nice on the French Riviera, France. Enjoy!

If you would like to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent who is a specialist in NICE real estate we can connect you at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here today.

Images of Beausoleil France beside and above Monaco and Monte Carlo


Beausoleil in the south of France.

I have to say that when I saw the above home just after I parked my car in Beausoleil I thought “that looks like a house you would see in the movies”. Maybe this home in Beausoleil has been featured in a movie created in the south of France on the French Riviera.

I hope you enjoy the below video that will give you a little taste of Beausoleil which is a hidden secret in the south of France since if you live there you are in walking distance to the Principality of Monaco.

If you would would like to have advise from an English speaking French real estate agent who is a specialist in Beausoleil or Monaco please contact us here. We can help you connect at no charge for our assistance.

French real estate advertisement what does en etage eleve mean?


In a French real estate advertisement you may be wondering what does en étage élevé mean?

Typically this is a French real estate phrase you will see in an advertisement for a French apartment. The word ‘étage’ means ‘floor’ and the word ‘élevé’ similar to the word ‘elevated’ in English means ‘higher’. So what is being said is that the apartment is on a higher floor.

Of course, it would be much easier to state ‘the apartment is on the 3rd floor or the 5th floor. But the idea here is if you do not know what floor it is on you will call the agent or owner to find out which floor it is on.

If you would like to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your favorite part of France please contact us here and we will help you connect at no charge for our assistance.

If you would like to learn over 110 Tips you need to know as a potential buyer of French real estate check out our our French real estate buyer’s guide here.