France First Tax Exchange Information Now In Place

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France First Tax Exchange Information Now In Place

French real estate owners who are expatriates need to take extra care with cross-border tax planning now that global tax transparency with the new ‘automatic exchange of information’ has started.

50 jurisdictions began collecting data from January last year were required to pass the information on by September 2017 This includes the tax authorities in Spain, France, Portugal, Cyprus, Malta, other EU countries and the UK will now start to receive new information on their taxpayers’ offshore assets and income.

Note: We are not tax advisers. We simply read this news and found it important. If you would like to contact and English speaking French tax adviser please contact us. We will help you connect at no charge for our assistance.

To learn more about the source of this article find more information on this website

French Real Estate Rents Going Down


French real estate prices appear to be rising in both new and used properties however, according to the latest research by the French research organization Clameur French real estate rents are going down.

According to Clameur “64.1% of cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants in France have rents falling since the beginning of the year.”

If you read French you can learn more here.

If you need more information from an English speaking French real estate agent who is a specialist in renting in you area of choice please contact us here. We can connect you to an agent at no charge for our assistance.

French Taxe d Habitation Ending for Some French Real Estate Owners Renters

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The French residence tax called taxe d’habitation was promised to be eliminated by the new French president Emmanuel Macron and the government has just released the resource ceilings for the 80% of French property owners and renters. This starts in 2018 according to this article in Explorimmo (in French).

The Minister Gérald Darmanin presented the ceilings from which individuals are exempt from tax on housing. If the information is correct it is thus learned that any single person who has the taxable income of reference of less than 27 000 € will no longer pay this tax. This ceiling increases to € 43,000 per couple for couples and € 55,000 for couples with children. The exemption of the tax will take place in steps for the lucky people. Consult your local tax authority for more details and verification of your right to reduce your tax burden.

French Mixture A blend of 10 short videos on places around France

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French Mixture A blend of 10 short videos on places around France

If you are looking for French real estate information in English you most likely will find it on our site that offers hundreds of educational articles. When you are looking for an English speaking real estate agent in France we do our very best to assist you like hundreds of people before you just contact us here.

Today we share with you a video that is a collection of short videos to places around the south of France including sail boats off the port of Antibes, a few moments in Nice around Christmas time, images from the Tour de France ….