Video Saint Marie De La Mer Camargue Charming French Village

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Welcome to Saint Marie de la Mer

In the south of France in the area called the Camargue you will find Saint Marie De La Mer. This is an impressive little village that receives thousands of visitors in the Summer time and not so many in the winter since it can be by French standards a little chilly and windy.

One wonderful feature of the village is the huge church. It is a fortress style building noticeable from far out to sea.

Surrounding the village you will see the guardian homes. Little cottages that were inhabited by the people who took care of the local bulls roaming in the fields close by.

The camargue is also famous for the pink flamingos who can stand all night in frozen water.

Take the time to visit Saint Marie De La Mer, the history of the village goes back to the 4th century and possibly before. It may be the ideal place for your to have a home away from home.

Watch the below video for a taste of Saint Marie De La Mer and if you would like to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent we can help connect you at no charge for our assistance. Contact ESREA France here.

French Real Estate Sellers Know your Obligations


The Seller of French real estate has obligations to inform the buyer.

Perhaps, you have already visited a French property with a French real estate agent or directly with the owner and you had questions and you did not receive answers to the questions because you were told ‘I don’t know’ by the person you did the visit with. Yet you wonder do you have the right to know the answers.

In fact, according to the Notary of France website the French property seller has the obligation to inform the buyer.­ To quote the notary site “an obligation is a Legal relationship created by operation of law or by the will of one or several individuals committing themselves for the purpose of doing or not doing an action.”

In general, the seller must disclose all the information he has about the real estate. It is important to know the courts punish any failure by the seller to meet this general obligation.

We highly recommend you read the linked to details on the Notary of France Website and consult directly a notary for guidance. Follow this link

French Real Estate and Major Tax Reforms in France


The new French government has some new ideas about taxes that can impact you.

Although it is not law yet here is a example: a new 30% flat tax rate will be introduced for investment income from January 2018, and also there will be a new version of wealth tax that will only apply to real estate, lowering tax bills for many expats living in France.

This above information was found in a new article from Blevins Franks read the full article here in English.

If you would like to be placed in contact with an English speaking French real estate agent, English speaking French mortgage broker or currency expert we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance contact us here.

French Real Estate Buyer Often Missed Area to Check One of Three

english speaking french real estate agent

When you are a French property buyer you are entitled to comprehensive list of diagnostic reports that your French notary will make sure the seller supplies to you.

The diagnostic reports are done by a specialist and the reports you receive depend on the type of French real estate you are buying and where it is located.

This article is written in 2017 and one of the items currently not studied in the diagnostic reports is the condition of the roof of the property of a single family dwelling.

The roof if it needs work can be an expensive item to work on and yet you will not find details in the reports about the condition of the roof.

Even if you are buying an apartment you would want to know from the company that manages the building the condition of the roof so as you don’t have to be involved in a new replacement or repair bill you knew nothing about.

The solution is to hire a professional roofer to check the condition of the your future roof and to the get roofer to put their analysis and / or estimate for repairs in writing so you have a record.

If there are problems with the roof on your single family home address this as part of your price negotiation.

Learn more valuable tips to help you buy the right French real estate for you by getting a copy of this 110 tip French real estate buyer’s guide.

New French Real Estate Statistical Resource from French Notaries

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French real estate buyers and sellers rejoice!

It is Five years since a law was put in place in France requiring French notaries to contribute to the dissemination of real estate information. However it was only on the 1st of July this year the new source of French real estate statistics became now available online.

The French real estate notaries site lists the prices of houses and apartments throughout the country.
A welcomed source for French real estate buyers and sellers. Visit the site now (note site is in French)

If you are looking to sell your French real estate learn about 50 Tips for French real estate sellers here

If you are looking to buy French real estate learn about 110 Tips for French real estate buyers here


If you need to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent. We will help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here.