In a French real estate advertisement what does ouvert à negociation mean?

esrea france

In a French real estate advertisement what does ‘ouvert à negociation’ mean?

Sometimes in French real estate advertisements the phrase is very similar to what it appears to be by translating almost directly into English.

In the case of the phrase ‘ouvert à negociation’ it does indeed mean ‘open to negotiation’ on price. So when you see this in a French real estate advertisement you know the price is negotiable.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here

Clarensac – Small French village in the south of France

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Clarensac is a small village in the south of France in the Gard department of Occitanie Region.

It is located in the wine area called La Vaunage close to other very nice villages such as Langlade, Caveirac and Calvisson.

Experience the exterior of some of the real estate of Clarensac, see some images of the local market and see if you see a little dog hidding in one of the photos.

If you would like to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent answer in France we can help you make that connection at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here.

What tax impact if you sell your French home after leaving France?

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What happens if you sell your French home after leaving France?

In a new article from Blevins Franks on French taxation it is noted that “the Constitutional Court ruled that the main home capital gains tax and social charges exemption is only available to French residents.”

The article goes on to say “Capital gains on the sale of a property in France are liable to both French tax and social charges.” Find out all the details in the Blevins Franks article here.

Angoulême and Clermont-Ferrand Two of the most attractive cities in France

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Would you believe that Angoulême and Clermont-Ferrand are two of the most attractive cities in France?

French real estate hot spots: a new barometer ranks French cities according to their dynamism and attractiveness has just been published (here are details in French)

According to the report on the survey, there is a surprise in the ranking of Clermont-Ferrand and Angoulême alongside Lyon and Nantes.

According to the survey in the classification of very large metropols, Lyon holds the position of the most attractive particularly due to it ability to welcome and support new businesses through the development of new business districts.

Also as a major metropole Nantes is ranked high due to strong economic growth. Nantes is ranked first in the survey ahead of Montpellier and Grenoble.

Clermont-Ferrand was classed in the survey as the most attractive intermediate metropol, ahead of Brest and Tours.

Angoulême is also highly ranked for its attractiveness as a smaller metropol, it strengths are is quality of life and diversified cultural offerings.

Read more in the original article in French here