Video Saint Dionisy Gard Department France Charming Little Village


Saint-Dionisy is a commune in the area called ‘La Vaunage’ in the Gard department in the south of France.

Located beside Langlade and a short distance from Calvisson, Clarensac and Caveirac, Saint Dionisy offers its own individual village charm with a center square in the middle of the village and easy access to walking and hiking trails that rise up behind the village.

Below, enjoy and share the short video of Saint Dionisy.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here.

In a French real estate advertisement what does ‘Non renseigné’ mean?

esrea france

Did you wonder what it means when you read ‘Non renseigné’ in a French real estate advertisement?

In a French real estate advertisement you may see the phrase ‘Non renseigné’ in the section for ‘Classe énergie’ and wonder what that means.

For clarity ‘Classe énergie’ is referring to the energy efficiency of the home at this time ranked by both a number and a letter.

‘Non renseigné’ from French to English can mean not specified which in this case will be obvious since the energy efficiency is not specified but in fact we believe the French property owner or agent means to say the energy efficiency is ‘not known’.

However, we understand that in France you are not supposed to advertise a French house or apartment for sale without the efficiency rating so when you contact the agent or owner you have the right to ask the energy efficiency rating of the home. It is an important rating since it relates to how much electricity and other fuels the home will use which can change the long term cost of the home.

Find more explanations of French real estate terms by using the search bar on this site.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here

In a French real estate advertisement what does ‘boisé’ mean?

english speaking french real estate agents

In a French real estate advertisement what does ‘boisé’ mean?

In a French real estate advertisement you may encounter the phrase ‘Terrain 1569m2 dont 1000m2 boisé’ and wonder what that means.

The term means a piece of land (terrain) that is 1569m2 with 1000m2 that is ‘wooded’ (boisé), that is covered in trees.

Find more explanations of French real estate terms by using the search bar on this site.

Perhaps you would like to know what ‘aucun travaux a prevoir’ means? Answer is here

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here

French real estate sellers Five expenses to remember


When you sell your French real estate you will have expenses.

It is important to take note of the expenses so you can calculate exactly or at least approximately how much money you will net from the sale of your French property.

We create the below video which you can also just listen to in audio format i.e. not look at the beautiful images to get five valuable reminders.

Examples include the two taxes many sellers forget they are responsible for when they sell a home. Once they may even have to pay when they have already left the property and given the keys to the new owners.

Here is our 50 tip French real estate sellers guide

If you would like to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent to help you sell your French property we will help you connect at no cost for our guidance. Contact us here.

In a French real estate advertisement what does piece à vivre mean?


In a French real estate advertisement what does ‘pièce à vivre’ mean?

In French real estate advertisements you may encounter two words that have essentially the same meaning. ‘Pièce à vivre’ essentially means ‘living room’ a phrase often used in English to describe the room in the home for people to meet and interact. The term séjour can also be used in place of pièce à vivre and it is typically describing the same space.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here