French real estate advertisement what does double vitrage nouvelles fenêtres mean?

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In a French real estate advertisement what does the tearm nouvelles fenêtres double vitrage mean?

The easy part is ‘nouvelles fenêtres’ which means new windows and the second part ‘double vitrage’ is what we call in English double glazing.

Make sure that when you visit a French property that is advertised as having double glazing you check to see if all windows have double glazing and if they are of the modern kind of double glazing. Get an expert to help you if you have any doubt, it is very important for the energy efficiency of your French home.

Find more explanations of French real estate terms by using the search bar on this site. If you do not find what you are looking for ask us and we will work on getting you an answer.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here

Video of French windows in France – Choose your favorite


French windows from France – which is your favorite French window?

From our experience in France, French windows are rarely the same and each offers its own original charm.

French property owners help define and illuminate their own love for their French property with the color, design and finishing touches added to their French windows.

Below, enjoy and share the video of French windows in France. A nice short collection for you to choose from.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here

French real estate advertisement what does coin nuit or espace nuit mean?


Did you wonder what it means when you read ‘coin nuit or espace nuit’ in a French real estate advertisement?

The term ‘coin nuit’ has nothing to do with money but actually refers to a corner sleeping area in a room, ‘coin meaning corner’. Most likely the ‘coin nuit’ refers to a corner of a studio where you can sleep. A studio is the type of accommodation where there is no separate bedroom. ‘Espace nuit’ refers to a sleeping area in a room, a sleeping space.

Find more explanations of French real estate terms by using the search bar on this site. If you do not find what you are searching for send us an email and we will work on getting you the answer.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here

NEWS: Have you seen our French real estate buyer’s guide that comes with a 100 percent money back guarantee? Here it is

French real estate advertisement what does type de bien mean?


Did you wonder what it means when you read ‘type de bien’ in a French real estate advertisement?

In a French real estate advertisement the term ‘type de bien’ could be translated to mean ‘type of good’, however, in fact, in the context of real estate it means type of property. So if you hear someone talking about ‘un bien’ they could be talking about a their property.

Find more explanations of French real estate terms by using the search bar on this site.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here