What does coin bureau mean in a French real estate advertisement?


In French real estate advertisements you may have already seen the term ‘coin cuisine’ and this refers to a little kitchen squeezed into the corner of a room. Most likely in a studio apartment where there is not enough room for a full or even medium sized kitchen.

‘Coin Bureau’ can be translated to mean a ‘corner office’ but I am guessing it is highly unlikely the French real estate term is referring to an executive corner office with a view over the city. It may refer to a small space in the corner of the living room in a French home or apartment perhaps with some wall shelves and a built in desk. Best go see or ask the agent or owner over the phone to explain.

Find more explanations of French real estate terms by using the search bar on this site. If you do not find what you are looking for ask us and we will work on getting you an answer.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here

What does maison atypique mean in a French real estate advertisement?


esrea france

What does maison atypique mean in a French real estate advertisement?

As a native English speaker when I first saw the French real estate term ‘atypique’ I thought it must be ‘a typical’ average type of home. However, when a French real estate advertisement says ‘atypique’ there maybe something unique and different about the home compared to other homes in its area or style. The term means ‘not typical’. Perhaps, you will have to go through one bedroom to get to another. Perhaps, you will have a beautiful luxury bathroom but you have to climb a stairs to get to this roof top paradise. Or perhaps not.

I currently live in a French village home and I see the floor plan as traditional and enchanting. And yet, the original advertisement said ‘atypic’ and if I had not visited it because I thought the home must have a strange floor plan I would have missed out on the opportunity to live in a home with a wonderful inner courtyard and a roof top sunroom that is accessed via the second floor mezzanine.

Find more explanations of French real estate terms by using the search bar on this site. If you do not find what you are looking for ask us and we will work on getting you an answer.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here

Short Video Fine French villages – Tell us your favorite


Fine French villages, prime real estate – Tell us your favorite

We have taken a selection of our favorite French villages to share our view on French real estate in the south of France.

Below is the video. Enjoy and tell us in the comment section on YouTube what is your favorite.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here

What does the term vendu occupe mean in French real estate advertisement?


What does the term vendu occupe mean in French real estate advertisement?

If you read the phrase ‘vendu occupé’ in a French real estate advertisement this can mean that the property has a renter in place who will remain in the property or potentially an owner who will stay in the property after the sale is final. The remaining of the owner in the property is a special kind of French real estate sale called ‘viager’.

Learn more about the legal aspects of this kind of purchase by contacting your English speaking French notary.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here

What does un immeuble récent avec gardien mean in French real estate advertisement?

english speaking french real estate agents

What does un immeuble récent avec gardien mean in French real estate advertisement?

This French real estate term means ‘recently constructed building with a caretaker’, typically referring to a residential apartment. Although the term recent can have many different meanings so you will need to ask the owner or the agent what the actually year of construction was for the building. This will be important since the age will impact the condition of the building and future expenses you may have to pay.

Also note that if there is a caretaker you need to ask what is the cost of the caretaker and all charges payable by the owner. The presence of a caretaker can be positive and negative.

Learn more by speaking directly with an English speaking French real estate agent.

If you wish to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice we can help you connect at no charge for our assistance. Contact us here