French Tax Seminars Spring 2018 details

esrea france

French tax seminars are hosted by Blevins Franks. These tax seminars present updates on issues affecting British expatriates living or planning to move abroad.

We have attended two of these seminars and found them to be very educational. Please note we are not endorsing or affiliated with Blevins Franks, just bringing this information to your attention.

Details on the upcoming seminars are via this link.

Note: if you are planning on buying a French property you will want to get a copy of our French real estate buyer’s guidebook linked to here. If you are selling here is our sellers guide link.

If you need an English speaking French real estate agent please contact us directly.

French Tax Rates and Tax Cuts and Changes for 2018

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The French tax reforms which were first announced in September 2017 came into effect on 1st January 2018.

According to this article in English on the Blevins Franks website, the main measures are unchanged from the initial draft budget.

There are significant tax cuts for investment assets and income.

Find out also about how individuals and families are currently taxed in France.

Read the full article here

The Power to Buy Update for French real estate buyers


In France the top ten big towns (in no particular order) at this moment are:












According to a new article in Explorimo in French here the abililty for French real estate buyers to afford French real estate has declined over the last six months in ten of the eleven.

The only exception is Montpellier where values have actually gone down a little bit.

If you would like to be connected with an English speaking French real estate agent in your favorite French town so you can be aware of price changes contact us here. We will connect you at no charge for our assistance to you.

Capital Gains on French Real Estate in French called Plus Value

esrea france

French real estate has it benefits but it down side is the tax impact on your capital gain or plus value.

We are a referral network so we are not experts on French real estate tax, however, from an experienced French real estate tax lawyer we got some notes to share with you below.

What is Plus Value?

We quote “A French PLUS-VALUE is the capital gain taxation that arises on the sale of a property. If you own a property in France or if you are about to buy one, you need to know what to expect when time will come to resell it.”

A qualified English speaking French tax lawyer will share with you in a short consultation how PLUS VALUE will impact you in a number of areas including the following:


If you are selling from abroad


What exemptions may apply to you


How to calculate the plus value tax


How can you alleviate the level of taxation.

If you wish to receive a detailed article on Plus Value directly from an English speaking French taxation lawyer please contact us here and ask for the specific article.