France is so beautiful these videos will never be enough for you : )
If you are looking for an English speaking French real estate agent to assist you in Sete we can help you connect at no charge. Contact us here.
Avoid mistakes. Understand how the French real estate buying process works with ESREA France
France is so beautiful these videos will never be enough for you : )
If you are looking for an English speaking French real estate agent to assist you in Sete we can help you connect at no charge. Contact us here.
Click the link below for the most recent French Real Estate Property Historical Price Trends. You will arrive at the English page on the Government of France website. The page shows historical trends in French real estate and property as of the March 2018.
Latest French property historical price trends in English click here
What is the NEW ESRIS document in France all about?
When you buy or rent French real estate you are legally required to receive certain documents that advise you about the condition of the French real estate.
Since 1 January 2018, the diagnostic report called the ERNT (state of natural, mining and technological risks) has had a name change due to the addition of a new section relating to soil pollution. It is now called (in French) ESRIS. Details in French here
Note: The ESRIS ike the ERNMT is mandatory for the sale or rental of real estate. It is valid for 6 months.
This information is just for awareness please see additional explanations from your English speaking French notary.
Sète is a pretty port village in the south of France featured in the popular French TV series “Demain nous appartient”
The below short video feature clips of the bar called ‘le Spoon’ and Hospital Saint Clair both featured in the TV show plus more images from around the center of town.
If you are looking for an English speaking French real estate agent to assist you in Sete we can help you connect at no charge. Contact us here.
French Real Estate: 3 Valuable Tips Before Buying.
The French real estate market is very active right now. With close to a million transactions in 2017 you need to make sure you shop wisely and avoid getting caught in the rush of the market.
Be Aware of Your Financing
Make sure that before you shop for French real estate you know how much you can afford and you take advantage of any potential benefits including the current low interest rate. Sellers will be more likely to be interested in your offer if you have already done your research to prove your buying capacity.
Visit the Property without Stress
The worst purchases are the ones that are done in a rush without looking at a French property at least several times at different times of the day and week. A problem whether it is noisy traffic or poor lighting may not be spotted on one visit.
Calculate Costs
Make sure you do research on the repairs indicated on the diagnostics and have the property checked by a professional for items not covered in the diagnostics such as the condition of the roof.
If you really want to make sure you get your French property at the best price and know lots about what to consider request a copy of our French real estate buyer’s guide.