French real estate, French property French taxes, France has a reputation for being country with high tax rates so resent reforms could make a difference.
The new Finance Law for 2018 introduced two changes that impact people certain people.
Income tax and social charges
According to this article from Blevins Franks, Social charges have increased by 1.7% for all types of income. So the rates for this year are 9.7% for employment income; 17.2% for investment income, and 9.1% for pension income.
The income tax rates remain the same as last year, though the income bands have increased slightly with inflation.
Find the new flat tax for interest, dividends, capital gains on the sale of shares and securities by following this link
Note: we are sharing this information for educational purposes and we are not sponsored by Blevins Franks.
If you would like to speak with an English speaking French tax lawyer or adviser we can connect you contact us here.