In French real estate what does amenage mean?

esrea france

If you hear a French property owner say part of the property is ‘aménagé’ you will wonder what that means like I did, aménagé means ‘converted’ so, for example, a room has been converted into xyz.

Find the translation and definition in English of French real estate terms using the search tool on this site.

Learn how to become a more knowledgeable French real estate buyer with our French real estate buyer’s guide details are here

In French real estate what is alimentation?

English speaking French real estate agents

When you visit French real estate you may hear a French owner say something about ‘alimentation’ so what is alimentation, it is the supply of something such as water, electricity, gas etc.

Find the translation and definition in English of French real estate terms using the search tool on this site.

Learn how to become a more knowledgeable French real estate buyer with our French real estate buyer’s guide details are here

What does séj. mean in a French real estate advertisement?

English speaking French agents realtors

In a French real estate advertisement you may have seen the abbreviation séj. but it is not obvious what it means.

‘Séj. is short for the French word ‘séjour’ which is the French term for a lounge or sitting area in a home.

If you wish to understand better real estate advertisements in French you can use the search bar on our site.

We also offer a comprehensive French real estate buyers guide details are here.