In a French property what is chaux?

esrea france

In a French real estate property visit you may hear the an owner talking about ‘chaux’ on the walls, so what is ‘chaux’?

When I heard owners say this before I bought my first French village home I heard the word ‘chaud’ which is the French word for ‘hot’. So I thought the owners meant the walls were warm. I was wrong.

‘Chaux’ is in fact lime that is used on exposed stone walls.

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Learn how to become a more knowledgeable French real estate buyer with our French real estate buyer’s guide details are here

In French real estate what does sol and sous-sol mean?

english speaking french real estate agents

There are not so many French real estate properties advertisements in English so it is an excellent idea for to learn the meaning of French real estate terms so you can understand a French real estate advertisement in French.

If you have read the terms ‘sol’ and ‘sous-sol’ and wondered what they mean you will find them here.

‘Sol’ is referring to the ground inside a French property like the floor in a room. The ceiling in French is call ‘plafond’. The term ‘sous-sol’ refers to the basement or underground part of a French property.

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Learn how to become a more knowledgeable French real estate buyer with our French real estate buyer’s guide details are here

In French real estate what is a disjoncteur and what is an interrupteur?


French real estate buyers need to understand a number a number of terms to understand the condition of the home they are visiting and what are the features and benefits of a home.

Here are more examples, what is a ‘disjoncteur’ in a French property, a ‘disjoncteur’ is the electric trip switch used to cut off the electrical power in part of, or in all of a home. The individual switches in a room are called an ‘interrupteur’.

Find the translation and definition in English of more French real estate terms using the search tool on this site.

Learn how to become a more knowledgeable French real estate buyer with our French real estate buyer’s guide details are here

In French real estate what is a chaudiere?

english speaking french real estate agents

When you visit French real estate you may hear the owner saw there is a new ‘chaudière’ but what is a chaudière?

A chaudière is the water heater, sometimes French people refer to it as the ‘balloon’ however, this depends on the type of water heater.

Find the translation and definition in English of more French real estate terms using the search tool on this site.

Learn how to become a more knowledgeable French real estate buyer with our French real estate buyer’s guide details are here