French real estate sellers tip number 10


French real estate sellers: Rent a storage locker

French real estate sellers need to be aware that one of the most common experiences French real estate buyer’s talk about in France is that many of the properties they visit are packed with items. Too much furniture in rooms that restrict movement, bags left in corners, appliances with no place to hide them, all of this suggesting a lack of storage and over all a sense of clutter.

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French Property Ownership and French Taxation

esrea france

French property lovers, if you are fortunate enough to be a resident in France, according to this article on the Blevins Franks site you will be liable to French income tax, social charges and wealth tax on property, plus your heirs will be subject to inheritance tax.

So if you are moving to France or buying property in France, it is really important you become aware of the French taxation and how it will apply to you and keep up to date.

Please note we are not associated with Blevins Franks and do not receive any compensation from this company for sharing this information.

Read full article here.

French real estate buyers tip number ten

eze village

The Price may Not be Right

The least expensive properties that need lots of renovation be they barns or old apartments may seem attractive financially but are you willing to deal with renovations that often take much longer than expected. Trades people in France can be hard to find and quality trades people even harder. When you are available they may not be and you could wait for a week just to get a drain unclogged unless you are willing to pay a premium.

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French real estate buyers tip number nine

esrea france

French real estate buyers if you like the idea of spending days cultivating your French land maybe growing vines and relaxing with a glass of wine as the sun sets then a property with land may be ideal for you. If you like to be able to walk to town a farm or vineyard may be too remote. If you prefer to be in the center of town ‘people watching’ and in minutes to a bakery or coffee shop then a village home maybe ideal for you. But if you like your peace and quite so you can write that long awaited book then a village may not be the place for you.

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