French property: Top Six Must Know Facts when Buying Part One


When you want to buy French real estate there are a number of items that you need to know. To help the French property buyers we have developed a 110 Tip Buyers Guide details are here.

Below are more suggestions as part of our current Top Six MUST know list

You must know exactly where you want to buy French real estate. You must know what it is like at different times of year. If not, you may buy in a place you may end up not liking at all.

Cost of Ownership
Before you buy French real estate you need to know all the associated costs of ownership that varies from place to place and between types of French properties
More details on ownership costs here

Getting the Best Price
Make sure you have your finances in place before you go shopping so you can negotiate your best deal.

English speaking French mortgage brokers

Tips Four to Six in next article!

Check out samples of the 110 Tips in our Buyer’s guide here. Yes 110 Tips! 

French Real Estate Helpful Home Repair



France is a wonderful place to own real estate.

But like any real estate it needs to be maintained.

One of the team noticed an article on another website offering home maintenance tips and we are sharing one below that could be of value to French property owners.

French water issues:

In France depending on where you live you may have water that is high in calcium and this calcium can build up in your pipes and even in your shower head so that the shower head loses over time its ability to spray.

HouseLogic offer a tip:

Fill a medium-sized freezer bag half full with white vinegar and place the shower head inside the solution. Attach with a rubber band the shower head to the bag and making sure the head is soaking in the solution. Leave the shower head in the vinegar over night.

In the morning run the shower head to get the vinegar out and hopefully you will enjoy more water spray! For more details visit the HouseLogic site here includes more tips.


Video Eze Village and Eze By the Sea French Rivera Amazing Real Estate

french real estate terms

I have to say that Eze on the French Riviera has some of the most prettiest beaches and then up high over looking sea you have the beautiful village of Èze offering prime French real estate opportunities.

Èze is located between Nice and Monaco and famous for its beauty and this has been for a long time. According to Wikipedia the area surrounding Èze was first populated around 2000 BC.

Enjoy the taste of a visit by the sea in the first video below and then the visit to the village of Èze in the second video.

We can help you connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in Eze. Contact us here

Bike Ride in France for UNICEF


One of our network members Fiona Warren reached out to me today to let me know her company Currencies Direct is involved in a fundraiser for UNICEF.

It is a 800 km bike ride that starts on Monday 3rd of October in St Emilion and finishes on Friday October 7th in Nice on the French Riviera.

Learn more about the event here on the official Facebook page or find the details noted on our Facebook page

Thank you Fiona for bringing this to our attention

Special reminder about another community event for people needing assistance in Nimes.