When buying a French property how can I find out if a renovation is approved

View of Walls of Chateau Du Mont Boron Nice French Riviera

In France like many places a property owner may do their own renovation work to save on the cost of the renovation.

If a professional is not hired there may also be a possibility the owner never got legal approval from the local authorities for the work they did. So when you are buying you need to confirm if the work is legal and approved before you buy the French property of your dreams.

To help you confirm items like a swimming pool or terrasse or installation of a bathroom (or any other work) was approved you can ask the French property owner for a copy of the following three documents and then consult with your English speaking French notary to make sure you have all the proof you need.


permis de construire



déclaration d’achèvement des travaux’



certificat de conformité

IMPORTANT: Do not just rely on the owner and the documents, make sure you consult your French notary and have him or her do additional checking to make sure all is correct. Seek legal advise.

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