What is a Viager in French real estate?

According to the Notaries of France, the concept of Viager is when a person typically elderly over the age of 70 to improve his or her income makes possible the sale of their property in exchange for the payment of an annuity for life by the buyer.

To improve their income and retirement life they choose to sell their property in exchange for the payment of an annuity for life by the buyer.

If the seller is going to live in the property for the rest of his or her life this is called a ‘life annuity’ or in French ‘viager occupé’

If the seller receives a lump sum payment as well as future payments from the buyer this lump sum amount is called in French “Bouquet”.

A notary will register a lien on the property called “privilège de vendeur” which allows the seller to get back his property from the buyer for non-payment of the rent agreed to.

The buyer in a viager is called in French ‘débirentier’ and the seller is called in French ‘le crédirentier‘.

Remember we are not offering you legal advice you need to obtain complete information on the process of Viager by contactng an English speaking French notary via their site here or if you read French you can read more details on Viager in French here

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