What does impot de solidarite sur la fortune in France mean?

impot de solidarite sur la fortune

When you are buying or selling French real estate it is important that you speak to your English speaking French notary and English speaking French tax adviser to make sure you are not impacted by impot de solidarite sur la fortune which is the French wealth tax on your personal assets.

Unfortunately, to find out if you will be impacted by impot de solidarite sur la fortune there is a special calculation that needs to be made and the rules of how this calculation is made have been changed frequently by the government of France in recent years.

Note: you may also be taxed by another country you have ties with so getting complete professional advice is really important.

As a starting point take the time to contact your English speaking French notary and English speaking French tax adviser to find out if and how you may be impacted by French taxes. If you need assistance to locate an English speaking French professional we will do our best to help . Contact us here.

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