If you see the term électroménager in a French real estate advertisement the word refers to a household electrical appliance.
Here is a quick list to help you understand a few of the common électroménager you will find in a French property plus links to information:
What is a Congélateur?
Congélateur is the French word for freezer
What is a four?
Four is the French word for an oven
What is a four encastrable?
Four encastrable is the French word for a built in oven
What is a four micro-onde?
Four micro-onde is the French word for a microwave oven
What is a Lave-Linge?
Lave-Linge is the French term for clothes washer
What is a Sèche-linge?
Sèche-linge is the French term for a clothes dryer
What is a Lave-vaisselle?
Lave-vaisselle is the French term for dishwasher
What is a Réfrigérateur?
Réfrigérateur or Frigo is the French term for Fridge
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Note: Details on our 110 Tip electronic French real estate buyer’s guide plus checklists is here.