Tour Odeon located in Monaco on the French Riviera is scheduled to be first occupied by new owners in approximately April 2015.
According to an article in Nice Matin and confirmed by a visit of an English speaking French real estate agent we are in contact with the apartments are priced between 70000 Euros to 80000 Euros per square meter of space purchased.
The Tour Odeon developers do not offer an exact sale price per unit due to the fact that it depends on the floor the apartment is located and the level of finishing requested by the buyer. Many buyers may ask for changes that will adjust the final price of their Tour Odeon apartment.
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A few notes on the building:
* The Tour Odeon is 170 meter high and offers outstanding views towards Italy and over Monaco plus view toward the hills behind Monaco.
* Approximately 82 private apartments are for sale in the Tour Odeon with what amounts to five star luxury hotel service available.
* There is now a show suite available to visit so you can see the quality of finishing, one agent tells us the size of the living room in the 427 square meter show suite really gives you the impression you are in a large house not 22 floors up in an apartment building.
* Windows are floor to ceiling in the apartments to take in the amazing views whether you are inside your apartment or outside on the terraces.
* The Tour Odeon is in fact two towers attached that are designed to look like two petals of a flower or the wings of a butterfly when viewed from above, very tasteful
* The finishing is exceptional we have been told there are ten layers of paint on the inner apartment walls that give you the impression you are looking at white stone.
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