French real estate buyers and owners need to know what they can learn from certain French administrative offices so we attempt to help out today with some simple explananations.
Mairies is a French adminstrative building located typcially in the center of a French village. It is the place you go to register births and deaths and marraiges and divorces. It is also a place to go to find out about ongoing event, local garbage and recycling guidance, local schooling and even a starting point to find out important information about usage guidelines for your property or potentially future property. In English we would typically call the Mairie a city hall.
Hotel de ville
Hotel de ville is typically the name for the Mairie in a bigger town.
The prefecture is responsible for carrying out the work related to your safety such as the police and fire services and it is the place to go to about your driver’s license and passports plus more items.
Tresor Public
Le Tresor Public is the public treasurey in France and the place you will typically contact to find out about your taxes.
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