Video: French Real Estate Buyers Guide Tip 1

english speaking french real estate agent

Buying French real estate is a complicated process and this is why we have over 800 educational articles on this site to assist you.

To enhance our ability to assist you we now have a YouTube video channel and we are slowing adding valuable content for you to compliment what is on this site. Check out the below video on an important tip to consider when inspection a French property during a visit.

You may also wish to check out our 110 tip French property buyer’s guide here

French property Buyer’s Guide

French real estate: What is the difference between a terrasse and a balcony?


French real estate advertisements have confused me again.

As a native English speaker I have a challenge understanding the usage of the term ‘terrasse’ in a French real estate advertisement which to me typically means a paved exterior area.

In a French real estate advertisement it can indeed mean a paved exterior area, however, it often means a large balcony where you can sit with a number of friends to enjoy some time.

In contrast, a balcony in a French real estate advertisement typically means a very small outdoor area attached to an apartment where you may not even be able to place a chair.

Learn how to get the best deal for you on French real estate with this guide book.

Paris Real Estate Buyers Check out CityScoot

esrea france

If you are planning to look for French real estate in Paris and even when you have the pleasure of owning French real estate in Paris France you will be delighted to know of CityScoot.

CityScoot is a new rental service that offers you the opportunity to rent an electric scooter and pay by the kilometer of usage.

Learn more here about this smart economical and ecological way of getting around Paris.
CityScoot details

New Solution to Repair French Real Estate Cracks in Walls


French village homes are some of the most beautiful homes in the world. Except when they suffer from extensive cracking that appears over time.

Dutch microbiologist and inventor Hendrik Marius Jonkers appears to have a solution that is supposed to come to market this year.

The solution is actually a solution of bacteria that is added to concrete that is used to build a home. Additional plans underway is a spray on treatment of the bacteria that can fill those nasty cracks appearing on your beautiful French home.

Sound strange? The bacteria actually exists naturally in rocks.


How it works

In general, the bacteria which is mixed into the concrete is activated from sleep in the presence of water that enters the cracks in the concrete. Then as the bacteria lives it secretes the same product that is used in concrete, thereby filling the cracks.

Watch this amazing video below for more details.

It could be a solution you have been waiting for.