Here are five reasons your heart and spirit may sing when you invest in French real estate.
More Active Life Style
If you buy French real estate in a village or close by the sea or a town you may find out quickly than many facilities are at your door step and you can walk to most services you need. In fact, you may end up buying one of these so you can shop like the French do.
Different Vacations
Whether you live full time in France or your French property offers you a new base in Europe you will find out you are now offered many choices for vacation. The many regions of France offer different scenery from mountains to sea and from castles to cities all with there own experiences. You are also next door to Spain, Italy, Germany….
Cultural Experience
France is, for many people, a very different culture. Historically French people focus more on activities outside of work rather than work itself. Time with family and friends is valued as is the long vacations period offered to salaried employees. Be ready to experience a slower pace of life. This slower pace expands into the response of service providers who will take longer than perhaps you are used to bring you assistance.
Different Foods
Depending on where you live right now France may be offering you a whole new level of food choices. Beyond the well known variety of cheeses and this other French favorite
: ) the climate can offer you the opportunity to grow fruits and vegetables in your own garden. Fruits and veggies that you may have had to buy from an imported food store in the past. If you like to shop in local markets for fresh foods make sure you note this desire as an important feature of the place you look to buy in.
Learn a new Language
Although people in France do speak the occasional second language, could be Italian or English assume nobody speaks your native language and embrace the opportunity to learn the French language. You can enhance your ability to Learn French with a Free App but the best way is to start making conversation with native French speakers and ask for guidance. Also watch French TV and listen to other people speaking French to become more familiar with the language.
If you are ready to learn more about the French real estate market with the goal of buying a property we can help you connect with a English speaking French real estate Agent click here to learn more
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Note: Details on our 110 Tip electronic French real estate buyer’s guide plus checklists is here.