Know the 2 Ms of French Property Ownership

english speaking french real estate agents

When you own French real estate there are a number of actions you need to take to protect the value of your French property investment.

Here are two. Let us call them the 2 M’s of French Property Ownership

Maintenance is like preventive medicine. If you change the filter in the furnace you can help prevent toxic air, if you check the roof for potential damage after a wind storm you can prevent a major roof leak, if you repair leaking taps you can prevent a potential flood when you are away from home.

Tip: Make a schedule of twice yearly or annual maintenance work to make sure all is working as it should in your home.

Make Changes
If you have a older French property they are perhaps many ways you can save on your energy costs, water costs and electricity costs by investing in modern equipment. Make sure you have an annual budget to allow for you to make these upgrades that in the long term can save you money.

Tip: Make a habit to plan ahead your French property renovations and keep track of special government sponsored tax credits and support that can help reduce the cost of your renovation.

If you would like to connect with an English speaking agent in your town of Choice in France please contact us here.

Is the number of French property owners increasing?

In France the number of people owning rather than renting French property is on the increase.

From a new study based on data from 2011 the Commissioner-General for Sustainable Development (CGDD) in France states the following:


16.4 million of French households are homeowner occupied, or 58.1% of households comparied to 54.9 % twenty years before.


Seven out of ten of these owners have already paid off their credit.


The average French homeowner who has paid off their credit is 59 years old


These French households earn higher than average household income approximately 43500 Euros.


The average French homes owned by individauls are houses of 106 m2 or apartments of 72 m2

Read the original article in French from Explorimmo

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