French Property: How to avoid flood damage

french property flood preparation and response

When you are in the process of buying a French property you will receive diagnostics documents from your French notary that include details about the location of the land and the possibility of flooding.  Make sure you check this document so you know and are willing to accept the pending danger.

If you choose to buy a French property that could be flooded consider the following and seek more advice from your local city hall and experts on flooding.


When you hear of a pending flood keep your radio tuned to a local news station, if you don’t understand French have a friend who understands French listen to the radio for you and keep you up to date.



If the flooding is unavoidable then shut off all electrical power in your home or apartment. If it is recommened to shut off electrical power even if the possibility of flooding is not guaranteed shut off power immediately.



Make sure that your home or apartment has ways to minimize the potential damage to electrical, gas or fuel heating systems. If you are renovating a home in a potential flood area consider what you can do to avoid potential damage should a flood happen.



Make sure you store any toxic chemicals away from being touched by water to avoid contamination to the environment as a result of water reaching these items.



Respond rapidly to the local emergency advice on the need for you to leave your home. Even if it does not look like your home is going to be flooded you don’t want to take the risk and find out you misjudged the situation by ignoring professional advice.



Avoid driving through flooded areas in your vehicle even if you drive a four wheel drive vehicle because you never know what has happened under the water (crack in the ground…) or what is under the water (bicycles…)



Make sure you have an Emergency Backpack Kit like this prepared to allow for you and your family members to have equipment to survive a natural disaster in France.

Other articles to read include:

24 Items you can use to manage a natural disaster

Hazards to check for when buying a French property

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What does TTC mean when written after honoraries in a french real estate agency?


TTC means that all taxes are included in the agency’s fees for service.

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