English speaking French paperwork and Administration Expert

esrea france

French paperwork and administration is a nightmare, that is what a French friend told me and I have found French paperwork extremely difficult since I arrived in France ten years ago. In fact, at the time I could not find anyone who spoke English who was an expert on French paperwork so I experienced a lot of delays and stress.

But I have good news via a colleague Tim who is an English speaking French real estate agent I have been introduced to Tracy who is from England but lives in France and runs a French business designed to help you with all your French paperwork and administration issues.

Tracy has been in business in France for 6 years and she can help you with your relocating, living and business paperwork in France.

Below is just a sample of what she can help you with:
Immigration and visa requirements
School applications
Utility Set up
Health care and Carte vitale applications
Driving license and car registrations
Sole trader business set up
Business options and meetings
Tax reports
And more….

Tracy is super busy and has a waiting list of clients but we can introduce you to her to get you served right away if you contact us here and give us your contact details (full name, phone number and email) and what you need help with and we will introduce you to Tracy right away.

Just contact us here

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Note: Details on our 110 Tip electronic French real estate buyer’s guide plus checklists is here.