DAY TEN 12 days of Actions to Reduce Negative Climate Change in French Property

energy efficiency esrea france


Free French Property Energy Efficiency Audit 

At ESREA France we work to help people find their dream home in France with the assistance of our growing network of English speaking real estate professionals.

In line with the United Nations Conference on Climate Change taking place we have decided to offer 12 daily doses of actions steps we can all take to reduce negative climate change.

Please consider taking these actions step and share the ideas with friends.

Today is day ten

Easy Action Step Number Ten

Free French Property Energy Efficiency Audit 

If you are planning to do an renovation on your French property the first step you need to take is have an energy efficiency audit.

After an energy efficiency audit you will know better where to spend you money to reduce your homes consumption of energy.

GDF SUEZ offers a Home Performance evaluation currently at no charge.

You can learn the following:


The energy efficiency of your home


You will have guidance on the appropriate energy efficiency improvements for your French property.

To obtain the GDF Suez Home Performance evaluation please visit this link in french with a little help from an online translator like google translate we hope you can understand the details on the website.

Then you can request your audit and if you don’t speak French you can have a bilingual friend assist you in understanding what you need to do to enhance your home.

Please share this idea with friends and please let us know your ideas.

Come back tomorrow for the next Simple Action Step.

DAY NINE 12 days of Actions to Reduce Negative Climate Change in French Property

 esrea france

DAY Nine

How to Save on Energy Efficient Appliances

At ESREA France we work to help people find their dream home in France with the assistance of our growing network of English speaking real estate professionals.

In line with the United Nations Conference on Climate Change taking place we have decided to offer 12 daily doses of actions steps we can all take to reduce negative climate change.

Please consider taking these actions step and share the ideas with friends.

Today is day nine

Easy Action Step Number Nine

How to Save on Energy Efficient Appliances

It is definitely an excellent idea to have energy efficient appliances in your French property to help reduce the negative impact of excess energy usage common to older appliances.

The way to find the efficiency of a new appliance is to look for the ‘Energie’ logo – see the sample image at the top of this article.

The biggest challenge for many people is the cost of new appliances so they keep the old energy burners.

A simple solution is to look for the new energy efficient appliance you wish for and then search for it online at a reliable service that sells used appliances. This may sound obvious but many people do not think of buying a used appliance, however, if you do, you can save substantially on the price since it is difficult to sell a used appliance even if it is almost new.  You can take advantage of the depreciation the current owner will have experienced since the current owner bought new.

In addition you will have taken a positive step for our planet since you will be buying and re-using an energy efficient appliance that someone may have just decided to leave in their garage.

Note: Make sure the used appliance you are buying is functioning correctly.

Please share this idea with friends and please let us know your ideas.

Come back tomorrow for the next Simple Action Step.