Student Housing Accommodation France


Student housing accommodation in France is not always easy to find. If you are moving to France for school we can help direct you to specialist who speaks English and can help you find Student housing accommodation in your area of choice in France.

Please contact us by email, phone or text to assist you in contacting the appropriate Student Housing Specialists. We can connect you at no charge for our assistance.

**** We are located in France. If you want to avoid the long distance calling charge email us with your phone number and we will call you back. Please include as much information as you can on your request for professional assistance so we can serve you as fast as possible.

You can phone us or text (sms) us directly at:

Outside France + 33 6 36 60 16 39

Inside France 06 36 60 16 39

Our office is open French Time
Monday to Friday 9h00 to 18h00 and
Saturday 9h00 to 12h00

*****At any time if we do not answer please leave a message with you name, phone number, time zone and a detailed message or send us an email via the form below.


How can we help you?

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Below is a selection of all our membership available to help you with different French real estate needs.

esreafrance esreafrance esreafrance WilliamMcintoshSM TimBiscayeSM StudentHousingSM RichardSM PeterEliasSM NicolaHarringtonSM MohamedSabriSM MartinHeathcotesm mark-bedrichsm KateSevozSM jonathanRowerSM JohnDislinsPhoto HilaryLarkinJPG2 FreddyRueda2 FionaWarrenSMesreafrance esreafrance esreafrance esreafrance esreafrance essrea france