French Real Estate Buyer delai de retraction cooling off period now 10 days

esrea france

French real estate buyers can now take longer to reflect on whether they have made the right decision to sign an agreement to buy French Real estate.

The loi macron (french) named after the French minister who is currently proposing French real estate rule changes has now make a change to the the ‘delai de retraction’, cooling off period that is part of consumer law in France. Buyers now have 10 days instead of 7 days.

To qualify to exit an agreement without penalty just like with the 7 day period buyers must fulfill certain guidelines. Visit the English speaking French notary site for more details.

This is good news for buyers. But bad news for Sellers. Contact an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice to learn more. Need guidance to an agent contact us. 

Canadian Real Estate Agent in France

canadian english speaking real estate agent in france

If you are looking for a former Canadian Real Estate agent who has experience working in France as part of the French real estate industry we can help you.

David Hennessey, the founder and director of ESREA France worked for seven years in the Canadian real estate industry. This means David is familiar with the differences and similarities when comparing the French and Canadian real estate industries. He can share with you details that will make it less stressful for you if you are interested in purchasing French property.

In addition, although the American real estate industry is not the exact same as in Canada David can help you relate to how the French industry works since he is familiar with American real estate terminology.

In one hour on the phone David can help you have a better understanding of French real estate than hours or days of online reading can show you.

Save yourself time and stress get in contact with David today.

Five Reasons Why Your French Property is NOT Selling

english agent france

Your French property may not be selling because of the following five reasons:

Use a compass and check the orientation of your property to the Sun. Some people think their property is south facing when in fact it is only partially south facing. Buyers often travel with a compass in hand or on their phone since one reason they buy a French property is for the Sunshine.

Your property may be in a nice location close to, for example, the sea but is it in the best part of the neighbourhood to attract interested buyers? Not every part of every neighbourhood has the same value to buyers. Maybe an appropriate price adjustment needs to be done.

Do your photos of your French property show what it is like at night as well as during the day? Do you offer an aerial view of the property that can show the features one can not see from a visit on the ground?

Is your property impacted by the presence of overhead electrical wires? Power lines by a property or close by impact the value of the property. Maybe an appropriate price adjustment needs to be done.

Visiting Times
If your French property is available only for visits on Saturday mornings or weekday evenings you are restricting access to buyers. The easier it is to visit your property the more potential buyers will visit your property and this can help you maximize your sale price.

If you would like to speak with a professional English speaking French real estate agent please contact us as we can connect you to the right person.

French Property Owners Before Using Airbnb read this

english speaking french real estate agent

If you own French real estate and you are considering entering into the nightly rental business with the help of systems like AirBnB there are important items you need to consider, here are six:

Bed tax / tourist tax / visitors tax – taxe de séjour
We don’t know what area you are in France so different rules may apply to you or your French property owner if you start doing nightly rentals. We recommend you check about bed taxes (tourist tax, visitor’s tax, taxe de séjour) or the equivalent short term occupancy tax that may or may not apply in your area.

As you know French government offices are often looking for ways to raise money through taxation and we have heard they are starting to surf the net to find people who rent and don’t disclose income or pay appropriate taxes. Check with your local government so you are informed before you take action.

You may be required to have some type of business license in the area you have your nightly rental property so when you check about the ‘bed tax’ find out do you need to have a license to operate a short term rental accommodation.

When I heard one of the founders of AirBnb being interviewed Brian Chesky said most of the owners he knows about really check out the people who they are renting to. Make sure you do. So you have peace of mind as well as a piece of extra income.

Wear and Tear
Flooring, paint, furnishings and appliances will all be impacted by the extra people staying in your property. This needs to be factored into the cost of your rental business venture.

Income Tax
Make sure you are aware of the overall tax implications of you earning extra income from your property.

Make sure your French real estate home owner insurance covers any negative event that could happen when you have someone staying in your property.

We are here to help if you would like to connect with an English speaking French real estate agent in your area of choice please let us know and we will help you connect and we charge you nothing for our assistance. Contact us.