What is a mandat exclusif exclusive de vente in relation to a French property Sale?

Antique French Door

An exclusive mandate used in French real estate marketing also known as a ‘mandat exclusif de vente’ is a legal document that gives a French real estate agency the sole right to market the property on behalf of the owner. No other agency can market the property at the same time without this agents consent or without the contract expiring or being cancelled by the parties to the contract.

Note: we are not French lawyers or notaries so we recommend you seek direct legal advice before you sign an agreement with a real estate agency. You need to make sure you fully understand what you are signing. The details are important and we cannot explain them here.

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Are mandates or listing contracts mandatory to market property in France?

Eze Village French Riviera France

When we ask French real estate agents they tell us no French real estate agent should be marketing a property without a legal listing contract. This property listing contract is called a ‘mandat de vente’ in French.

We understand Real estate agents in France are supposed to have a written ‘mandate de vente’ giving the agent the right to market the property on behalf of the owner.

The ‘mandate de vente’ shows details of the contract between the owner and the agent including the amount of commissions to be paid and how long the ‘mandat de vente’ or listing is valid for.

Important note: before you sign a ‘mandat de vente’ we recommend you make sure you fully understand the type of agreement you as signing and your obligations, if you are not sure see legal advise.

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Note: Details on our 110 Tip electronic French real estate buyer’s guide plus checklists is here.