Home Staging Your French Property for Sale


French real estate can be pretty.

Sometimes it can be full of clutter.

Sometimes when sellers clear out the clutter from their home they decide that some of the larger items like furniture have to go in the garbage or at least in storage since they do not look so good. This can lead to some big open space in the home that may not create a nice ambiance.

The solution

We have learned from staging experts the solution is to borrow furniture from friends who can spare a table or two. In fact, some staging companies even have furniture for rent or fake furniture that looks real.


Above is a bedroom without any staging. The owner disposed of the bed. Below is one that has been staged. Nice.


What is amazing is that the staged bedroom contains an air mattress and not a real bed but it looks so much nicer than the room displayed above.

After the apartment that was staged was sold the seller gave back the furnishings he had used to stage the apartment. Very economical.


The above image is of a loggia. An external balcony that is closed in. Prior to marketing the property this space was full of old items. Then the owner removed the items and with the aid of a staging expert made it look like how it does in the photo. Did the property sell? Yes, in fact, a buyer asked to buy some of the displayed items.

The above information is taken from our guide book

50 Tips on how to sell your French property for the best price click for details

If you are looking for an English speaking home staging expert we can help you find one. Contact us here.