12 days of Single Actions to Reduce Negative Climate Change in France DAY ONE

esrea france

12 days of Single Dose Actions to reduce Negative Climate Change in France


At ESREA France we work to help people find their dream home in France with the assistance of our growing network of English speaking real estate professionals.

We also want to help French property owners have the least negative impact on the wonderful climate in France.

In line with the United Nations Conference on Climate Change taking place as I write in Paris from November 30th to December 11 2015 we have decided to offer 12 daily doses of actions steps we can all take to reduce negative climate change. One each day for the time of the conference.

Please consider taking these actions step and share the ideas with friends.

Today is day one

Easy Action Step Number One

Reduce Water Consumption in your home with Aerators
These tiny devices that simply screw into the water outlet on your tap can reduce water flow drastically. This helps reduce the amount of water people use while rinsing their hands, teeth, face or even dishes.

Since you pay for water usage in France not only can you potentially reduce your water consumption you can also reduce the cost of water for your home usage.

They are also very inexpensive. Prices for aerator and details on Amazon France
and prices of aerator and details on Amazon Com and here is an option on option on Amazon UK

Please share this idea with friends and please let us know your ideas.

Come back tomorrow for the next Simple Action Step.